About Ocmulgee Physicians

Ocmulgee Physicians is an Internal Medicine practice located in downtown Macon, Georgia. Dr. Alan Justice founded the practice in 1991 and was originally located on Hemlock Street. The practice moved to its present location on Poplar Street in 1996. Ocmulgee Physicians is currently comprised of Dr. Justice and three highly qualified Nurse Practitioners: Tina Saiani, Lori Starr and Stephanie Gaddis.

The primary focus of Ocmulgee Physicians is the prevention of disease whenever possible, and careful control of illness when it is not. To achieve these goals, we closely monitor our patients through wellness visits, preventative medicine, and immunizations.

The science of medicine practiced in this office is state-of-the-art. Our providers are fully knowledgeable about the newest diagnostic tools and therapeutic treatments used. Patient records are maintained electronically and securely. Digital versions of pertinent portions of the record are offered to all patients via our online patient portal.

Ocmulgee Physicians recognizes that each patient is unique and we look forward to serving your individual needs.